Wednesday, September 20, 2006

You Know You're A Mom When... realize you've had a pinecone sitting in the cupholder of your Subaru for the last, oh, three weeks or so, yet you do nothing about it.


Pamela said...

I'm glad it wasn't in your seat. That would have been mighty uncomfortable.

my eldest daughter was going through airport security and there were rocks in the bottom of the diaper bag......

singleton said...

And then there will be french fries on the floor board...followed by "teacher meeting requested" notes wadded up in the glove compartment ... followed by dirty shoes....everywhere...followed by HIS CD's in the stereo...and finally, his keys in the ignition. Peace, love, and cherish that pinecone in the cupholder!

Karmyn R said...

It could have been worse (like a moldy apple or stinky milk tippy cup!!!)