I honestly don't know if I believe in reincarnation or past lives, nor do I necessarily consider that mystery to be important in this life, but I will say this: Joshua has firmly stated several times that when he "used to be big", he lived in California, played the trumpet, and rode a unicycle.
Wow, a unicycle, huh?
When Isaac was around a year old, he drew a squiggle on some paper and told me it was an airplane. When I looked at it, I realized it really was an airplane. It was the first representational thing he'd ever drawn. He didn't have a toy airplane at that point, and he'd never flown on one. He'd only seen them far off in the sky.
Then when it was getting close to his second halloween, we got a catalog in the mail full of kids' costumes, and as I was leafing through it with him, he pointed to a photo of a boy in a WWII-style fighter pilot costume and said, "Pilot."
There weren't any airplanes on the page. I hadn't told him it was a pilot costume. As far as I know, he had never seen a WWII-era pilot's outfit before; I didn't let him watch much TV at the time (I've since slipped a bit, heh).
I am a skeptic of all things supernatural, but this freaked me out.
I still made him the costume. He was very particular that it should include a parachute.
Aha, here is a pic of the costume:
I can't say that I believe in reincarnation. But my mind insists that, in times past, I was a Maori warrior cheif and a chainsaw juggling, unicycle riding monkey who loved whiskey and non-filtered Camals.
-nice blog by the way. I'm gonna add a link to it on my page if that's cool with you-
thanks for visiting my blog --
you asked me if the colors didn't suit you did that mean your brain "was empty"
you got a good giggle out of me - as I can assure you that it was only "us" who took the brain test that had our gauges on "empty."
I have just the opposite feeling as your little boy - My strange anomoly is that i keep thinking I'm going to grow younger.
If he was playing trumpet while riding a unicycle, I have a sneaking suspicion why he HAD to be reincarnated.
At that young age, my little brother believed that he could screw his arm off and travel to the North Pole. In retaliation for his refusal to admit that he made it all up, my older brother and I convinced him that he was an adopted child. Ironically, a few years later my siblings and I hoped and dreamed that we were all adopted and that someday our real parents would come take us away. Technically not a reincarnation story but this is an old post so my breach of protocol will probably not be noticed.
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