Friday, September 22, 2006

Jedi Potty-Training

Why, oh why, does young Joshua insist on going to the bathroom with the lights out? If this is some sort of toddler-jedi training exercise, then I'm sorry to say the force be not with him. Or perhaps the force is too strong with this one, for his aim is not true.


Ian said...

Maybe you need some little glow-in-the-dark floaties for him to shoot at.


Pamela said...

Thats a good idea Ian. I know a lady who put cheerios in there to make it more interesting.

I would say the floaties might plug the toilet. How about the glow in darks adhered to the toilet seat... so he has a glow-hole to aim through?

Ian we need to go into business.

Sunrunner said...

Why with the light off?

Pamela said...

happy birthday