Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Rare Perfect Day

Sundays. Generally, I hate them. The final day of the weekend always gets eaten up by chores to get ready for the work week, shopping trips for household necessities, and preschooler interventions after candy-intensive fun binges. Add to this the aimless mornings sipping tea in our pajamas while we watch the kids tear the house apart, and there you have it. The week is over.

Today, we had a Plan. Recognizing that our older son is desperately in need of a return to the unrealistic expectations of attentiveness he enjoyed prior to the arrival of young Charlie, we arranged a special preschooler-only outing for him. Leaving the baby in the capable and indulgent hands of the grandparents, we whisked Joshua away to the big city for a day out on the town. (The Town being Denver, home of the Broncos and birthplace of White-People Jazz.) If you don't know Joshua very well, I should perhaps explain that he has rather cultured tastes for a three-year-old. One of his favorite DVDs is a performance of Stravinsky's Firebird ballet. He likes listening to classical music, and can sing all the instrumental themes of Peter and the Wolf. I suppose having two parents involved in the arts has shaped his tastes somewhat. Don't get me wrong, he still thinks poop is really funny, but he does have a flair for all things dramatic.

So we took him to see the hit Broadway musical, "The Lion King". Before it started, he seemed a little nervous because he thought there would be real lions on stage. Once it started, though, he was totally engaged the whole time. He's never seen the Disney animated movie, so the story was new to him. He sat quietly the whole time, applauded enthusiastically, and told us afterwards that he liked "EVERYTHING"! He also enjoyed walking around downtown briefly, seeing all the skyscrapers. We had a nice sushi dinner, and returned to a happy baby, an easy bedtime, and now a bit of free time. I suppose I'll have to do some laundry now, but at least the week has been saved.


Pamela said...

We wemt to Lion King in Portland, OR. It was fantastic.

I'm not up on the Peter and the Wolf instruments.. but I'm with the kid.... Poop is funny.

Karmyn R said...

We took our son to see Lion King last year - I was the one who got chills in the opening scene, sat terror-striken during the Stampede scene, and misty-eyed when Simba sees his father in the clouds. I am such a sucker for theater.

I am impressed that a 3 year old could sit through that! My 5 year old sat through most of it, but then bounced around a little bit during the "slow" parts.

Sunrunner said...

It sounds like you guys had fun! Where did you have sushi?

Michael C said...

That sounds awesome! Enjoying the day with your child and then having him enjoy it, too? That's what it's all about!