Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Constructing Phrases

I'm playing a gig tomorrow with the orchestra in which we have been asked to dress up as construction workers. The Maestro will be using a hammer to conduct (actually pound out) the opening of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. Busloads of sixth-graders will descend upon the performance hall to hear me play variations on "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" while I'm wearing my son's plastic yellow hard-hat. Sometimes it's hard to believe I get paid for this.


Ian said...

Methinks some things are entirely wasted on the young.


Sunrunner said...

Darn!! Which symphony is this for? The kids would've loved it!

Karmyn R said...

That makes me laugh. But what a great way to introduce symphony music to children! (I think it is better than the traditional Peter & the Wolf.)

The Portland Symphony had a series called: "Nerve Endings" which was really neat - they mixed in music was some odd stuff (told stories, read poetry, acted out scenes, etc). But - this was for adults.

Pamela said...

I wish I could see it.

You would get my Beethoven joke. Not many people do.

He came home to find his wife packing.
"what are you doing," Bthvn excmlaimed!

"I'm leaving you!" she sarcastically replied.

"But," he cried, " you can't leave me, you are my inspiration."

She responded increduley. "Inspiration?"
(now you have to give me some creativelicense here for the punch line, because you can't hear me sing it."

Then she said: "HA HA HA HAAAAAA!

Michael C said...

Sounds like a blast. Take the money and enjoy, I say!

Beerspitnight said...

If I was able to see a symphony that was being conducted by a guy with a hammer in sixth grade I never would have given up the saxamaphone.

Sunrunner said...

Are you ready for Halloween?

Me said...

In for pictures.
